Health & Safety Policy
Altered Images (Contractors) Ltd. recognise that the health and safety of all its employees, contractors, self-employed associates, visitors, customers, and members of the public are of paramount importance, therefore all reasonably practicable measures will be taken to ensure their safety, control risks and protect the environment.
Senior Management will monitor Health, Safety & Environmental Legislation while considering their responsibilities and setting our Health and Safety Policy objectives.
The Company aims to provide a sound basis for co-operation between Management and employees and will encourage continuous improvement of our Health, Safety and Environmental performance.
Our objectives are to:
- Risk reduction, prevention of injury and identify health and safety hazards and manage those hazards so that the risks are effectively controlled.
- Work to safety standards which satisfy our statutory requirements and reflect good industry working practices, review and develop these standards continuously and revise them accordingly when changes in legislation, industry practice or technology occur.
- Consult with employees on health, safety and welfare issues by ensuring that our employees are trained to understand and carry out their responsibilities. This will involve, but will not be limited to, selection, training, re-training and continuous assessment of employee performance.
- Continually monitoring this policy by auditing and reviewing its effectiveness in the workplace.
The Company recognise its legal obligations placed on it by the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other Statutory Legislation as may be applicable to our undertaking.
This policy is achieved through the implementation and continuous development of an Occupational Health & Safety System that is reviewed periodically to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements of the international Standard ISO 45001:2018(SSIP)
Employees will be made aware of this facility and are obliged to familiarise themselves with the contents of this Policy as it contains essential information for their health, safety and welfare. Should any employee have any questions on any health and safety related matter they must raise it with their immediate supervisor.