Environmental Policy
Altered Images (Contractors) Ltd. recognises that its operations have direct and indirect impacts on the environment. The company sets out to minimise that impact and operate in an environmentally responsible manner and seeks to ensure that all its activities fully comply with relevant environmental legislation and industry codes of practice. To deliver this policy the company shall:
- Integrate environmental considerations into all business operations.
- Ensure the prevention of any pollution by virtue of the company’s activities through appropriate training, education and communications with all employed and subcontract personnel.
- Ensure the maintenance of emergency procedures to deal swiftly and effectively with any significant environmental incidents that may arise as a result of any work.
- Regularly conduct environmental reviews and set targets for continuous environmental improvement.
- Encourage its staff and subcontractors to perform in an environmentally responsible manner and promote individual good practice.
- Make efficient and environmentally responsible use of energy, water and other natural resources.
- Minimise waste production by reduced consumption and recycling wherever possible.
- Where appropriate, encourage dialogue relating to environmental improvements with suppliers.
- Improve the environmental efficiency of the company’s own transport and travel.
All employees are responsible for and have a duty to work towards the principles contained within this policy.
This policy is achieved through the implementation and continuous development of an Environmental Management System that is reviewed periodically to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements of the international Standard ISO 14001:2015.
The management ensures that this quality policy is communicated to all staff at all times.