Health & Safety Policy

Altered Images  is fully committed to encouraging a culture of openness within our workforce in regard to health and safety. Not just as a matter of importance, but also as an essential part of our responsibilities. Furthermore, we regard the promotion of health and safety matters as a mutual objective of both management and employees to ensure that practical, achievable safety standards are agreed and maintained by everyone within our organisation.

It is, therefore, the Company’s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable risks, including the general public, insofar as they interface with the Company or our activities.

The Company will:

  • provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment at each of our locations, in accordance with the relevant statutory requirements.
  • provide sufficient information, instruction and training for all our employees, as is necessary for them to conduct their work activities in a safe manner.
  • provide and maintain machinery, equipment etc. and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health.
  • provide and maintain means of access to and from the workplace that are safe and without risks to health.
  • provide and maintain adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of our employees whilst at work.
  • arrange safe and healthy systems for use, handling, storage and transport of hazardous materials.

Good safety management begins with the commitment of senior management to ensure that the responsibilities and arrangements detailed within this document are carried out fully.

Anthony Williams is appointed as the Director responsible for health and safety. He puts in place arrangements for the effective implementation of the Company’s health and safety policy.

This policy is reviewed at least annually and revised as often as may be appropriate.